Our ethos
The Forest School ethos supports children to develop self-esteem, independence and confidence through outdoor child-led play in nature. Forest School takes a holistic approach to learning and development and offers a mixture of learning the skills of problem solving and creativity as well as some more specific bush craft style skills (e.g. knot tying, tree climbing, fire lighting and tool use). At Forest School we foster a deep connection and love of nature, through play. The children are given time and space to explore and discover things for themselves, alongside our trained Forest School leaders who are always close by, to guide and reassure. Our Forest School sessions are child-led and designed to meet the needs of individuals to ensure that children grow in self-confidence, as well as developing their physical, emotional, cognitive and social skills.
There are six key principles that shape and govern the Forest School ethos. There are many forms of outdoor education and all have enormous value, however, Forest School is unique in its reach, delivery and effect. We follow principles 2 – 6 as the nature of our club means we cannot offer long term provision to all learners, unless parents choose to send their children to all sessions available. We do however, have the benefit of offering full days at Forest School, where children have the opportunity to become fully immersed in the experience, with ample opportunities for learning and development.
These six principles of Forest School are:
Forest School is a long-term process of regular sessions, rather than one-off or infrequent visits; the cycle of planning, observation, adaptation and review links each session. Parents can choose to send their children for one session or multiple sessions to gain the optimal Forest School experience.
Forest School takes place in a woodland or natural environment to support the development of a lifelong relationship between the learner and the natural world.
Forest School uses a range of learner-centred processes to create a community for being, development and learning.
Forest School aims to promote the holistic development of all involved, fostering resilient, confident, independent and creative learners.
Forest School offers learners the opportunity to take supported risks appropriate to the environment and to themselves.
Forest School is run by qualified Forest School practitioners, who continuously maintain and develop their professional practice